UPdates From Mel’s Studio…

Extra! Extra! You can read all about my love of Creative Reuse Centers in the new Quilting Arts Spring 2025 issue. I hope my article "The Incredible Impact of Creative Reuse Centers" will entice you to seek out similar organizations near you to spark your creativity!

Quilting Arts subscribers should start receiving their copies in the mail soon. Digital copies of the magazine are currently available for purchase and physical copies can be purchased starting March 18th. Happy reading and creating!

It’s always a delight to chat with my friend Lyric Kinard, especially on her exciting new Creatives on Camera Podcast: Using Video to Teach, Sell and Inspire Online. Enjoy listening to our conversation where we discuss Pioneering Virtual Quilting Education. Here I share my pathway into being an on-demand quilt lecturer and teacher, pivoting to virtual teaching in 2020, the impact virtual teaching has had on the quilting community, my involvement with Northern California Quilt Council and Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA), tips for overcoming fear associated with teaching virtually, including my super simple, yet effective tech set up.

Enjoy listening to this episode here or in any of your favorite podcast listening apps.

It was an absolute delight to chat with Paula Chamberlain, host of A Quilter’s Life podcast to record a new episode. It was a joy to reflect upon on how my childhood memories, family, hobbies, and previous careers have influenced my quilter’s life today! You can listen to the episode here or by clicking play above.

Pssst…share your Quilter’s Life with Paula as she is always looking for quilters to feature on her podcast. She is a fabulous host and the questions will certainly help you discover a few new connections about your own quilter’s journey! Schedule your interview today!

Delighted to chat about Creativitiy on Episode 4 of the Creative Crossroads podcast hosted by Ellyn Zinsmeister and Catherine Dutton of Mod Maker Zone. We chat about rolling the dice as part of 100-day projects, creative influences as a child as well as current day, quilt challenges, studio set up, and so much more.

Each episode focuses on creativity with guest artists in different mediums. It’s a great topic and format. Enjoy!

I am truly honored to have Emerald Gardens juried into Quilt Visions 2024 on display at Visions Museum of Textile Art through December 28, 2024.

Pinch me! I won the Quilts Japan award sponsored by Japan Handicrafts Instructors’ Association and Nihon Vogue Co which includes a paid trip to travel and teach in Japan!

Plus, the red dot next to my piece means it was purchased. Much to my delight, one of the Visions’ board members purchased it and will be donating it to the museum’s permanent collection!

The Quilt Visions 2024 exhibition is a must-see exhibition and will be on display through December 28 for those visiting the San Diego area. Visit their website to view the artwork and award winners, meet the jurors, order a catalog, and see upcoming events.

Delighted to join several of my fellow fabulous Bay Area quilters for episode 3509 of The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims.

TQS members can watch the episode here. Not a TQS member? Sign up for a 7-day Free Trial to access the entire website!

Enjoy this sneak peek of the range of techniques Lynn Koolish, Sujata Shah, Pati Fried, and I will each be demonstrating in this colorful and fun episode featuring the diverse cross-section of quilting styles and techniques here in the Bay Area!

"HECK YEAH!" was my immediate response to Sam Hunter's invitation to record an episode for her new and fabulous The Rev Craft Biz Podcast!

What an absolute delight and honor to chat with Sam about starting a teaching business, maintaining a daily creative practice, comedy improv classes, and the importance of saying NO to protect your energy/time.

You follow Sam's podcast in your favorite podcast app or listen to the episode here.

Extra! Extra! You can read all about my Block-Printed and Stitched series of wholecloth quilts on pages 56-60 in the Spring 2024 issue of Quilting Arts Magazine. The article covers the materials and processes I use to transform Evolon CR non-woven fabric through faux dyeing, block printing, and stitching! I hope you will be inspired to incorporate Evolon and Block Printing into your art quilting journey!

This issue is packed with art quilting inspiration from so many incredible fiber artists. Watch your mailbox for this new issue which will hit newsstands on March 19th. You can order a digital copy now or hard copy on/after 3/19 while supplies last.

Extra! Extra! You can read an interview with Canvas Rebel where I dish on my creative journey, goals, teaching, and online presence. Happy reading!

Listen into the episode 105 of the Quilter on Fire Podcast, featuring an interview with yours truly! Brandy Maslowski is an absolutely delightful podcast host. We had a lovely chat about my creative journey, design inspiration, sense of play, taking creative risks, and love of quilt challenges!

Extra! Extra! Read all about how I approach risk and risk taking in my art, along with some fun along the way! Thanks to Shoutout Colorado for the lovely introduction!

Order a copy of Prism Play: A Full Spectrum of Art Quilts featuring 60+ monochromatic art quilts made by members of the Northern California/Northern Nevada region of Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc.

*I am delighted to have my “WIN-WIN Wind Energy” quilt included in this gorgeous exhibit and book (including a slice on the front cover!)

Honored to be spotlighted by Create Whimsy. What fun to reflect on my creative journey as part of the interview. And I love how they captured my creative journey in their opening paragrph: "Mel Beach’s next quilt could emerge from a simple roll of the dice. But not just any dice. The quilt artist, teacher and lecturer applies creative instructions to the sides of her dice to prompt her to stretch her artist’s wings. A huge advocate of making short and long term goals and then creating daily, Mel keeps her creativity flowing by constantly challenging herself, making art and sharing what she learns with her students."-Create Whimsy

Check it out and see what inspiration you can take back into your own creative journey...

Delighted to be an Artist in Residence on episode 19 of the Quilting Arts Podcast. What an absolute pleasure to chat about art and creativity with co-hosts Vivika Hansen DeNegre and Susan Brubaker Knapp. Some of the fun topics that come up include 100 day projects, mixing it up with dice, taking creative risks, comedy improv, and SAQA. I invite you to listen as I hope it inspires you to create and play today!


I am super excited to be featured on The Quilt Show, Episode 2808. This fun episode aired April 11th and showcases top-stitched curves, ways to jump start your creativity through playful 100-Day Projects involving dice, and tips for mark-free free-motion quiltiing!


Need a Creative Reset? Check out my “Creating Daily with Dice” article included in the latest issue of Curated Quilts: Creativity in the Midst of Covid. This is an absolutely gorgeous magazine packed with beatiful photos and inspirational stories about staying creative during Covid.


Super excited to see my article "Roll the Dice: Up Your Game and Take a Chance" included on pages 92-96 in the latest Spring 2021 issue of Quilting Arts Magazine!! I hope it inspires you to roll the dice as part of your creative process.

Here is a preview of all the awesome content packed into the Spring 2021 issue. You can order your own digital copy using this link. Happy reading!


Delighted to share my experiences with the Craft Industry Alliance community by writing “Building Confidence and Learn to Think on Your Feet with Comedy Improv Classes”: An article about the value of taking comedy improv classes and the positive impact they have had on my quilting & teaching business! Happy Reading!!

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Quilting Arts TV Series 2600 will be airing on Public Access channels around the country over the next few weeks. Check your local listings for airtimes. The series is packed with 16 artists sharing a large variety of art quilting tips and techniques. In episode 2608, I share a modern approach to free motion with pebble quilting. We’ll turn common Pebble Woes into Whoas!! Download the free eBook HERE.

If you enjoy art quilting and want to see more contemporary quilting techniques and inspiring guests, a digital video download of the entire Quilting Arts TV Series 2600 is available for purchase HERE or receive both series 2600 and a subscription to Quilting Arts magazine for $49.99 available HERE.

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Honored to tape three segments for Quilting Arts TV series 2500 and 2600!! You can watch previews of Season 2500, packed with an amazing line up of artists, art quilting techniques, and inspiration.

Hint-Hint: Episodes 2502 and 2510 look especially fun! Visit each episode page to download instructions for each project featured.

Be sure to check your local TV listings and PBS channels for when these episodes will air.


Watch me share my love of quilt challenges, Slice of Improv, Mod Molas & Comedy Improv on  The Quilt Show, episode 2112.